Poetry scansion practice with answers
Poetry scansion practice with answers

1 T08:09:14-07:00 Assignment: The Tempest Acts 2 and 3 4 Discussion Questions for Acts 2 and 3 of The Tempest plain T08:11:11-07:00.1 T07:59:15-07:00 Assignment: The Tempest Act 1 2 Discussion Questions for Tempest Act 1 plain T08:01:32-07:00.Pasupathi ceefc20a3151658461abeb1911f30e5d016aa34b The Tempest Kristin Denslow 18 Page introducing unit/module on The Tempest plain T14:17:51-07:00 Kristin Denslow d8db7f971700e4dcd4236d9da7bfa6a4c3aba0e1 Contents of this path: 1 T12:33:36-07:00 Digital Assignment: Practice Scanning lines of Poetry 3 Using "For Better or Verse" to practice scansion plain T12:45:58-07:00.

#Poetry scansion practice with answers how to

Pasupathi ceefc20a3151658461abeb1911f30e5d016aa34b Shakespeare's Language Kristin Denslow 6 early modern syntax, figures, anything along those lines about how to read plain T18:53:06-07:00 Kristin Denslow d8db7f971700e4dcd4236d9da7bfa6a4c3aba0e1 Contents of this path: In both cases, check your work within the tool to see where you've scanned lines incorrectly.īe sure to write down any lines that still seem confusing to you and bring them up in class discussion or meet with your professor during office hours for additional assistance with scanning. Then try scanning Prospero's speech from Act 4 of The Tempest.

poetry scansion practice with answers

Once you've read through the instructions, use the tool. Pay particular attention to the Rules of Thumb, since they offer practical guidelines to help you make good decisions when a clear right answer seems elusive.Ģ. Start-where else!-by reading the Instructions, which not only include information on how to use the tool in the site, but also a primer on how to scan lines of poetry. The University of Virginia, the aptly and amusingly named "For Better or Verse."ġ. Pasupathi ceefc20a3151658461abeb1911f30e5d016aa34b In this assignment, we'll use a wonderful interactive site created by Herbert Tucker and John C. Learning Goals & This Book The learning goals that this book will address Where to Start in this Book A List of Primary Paths Available in the Book "DH" | Digital Methods for Literary Study An opening Page containing paths for learning about digital methods & the study of Literature/Shakespeare Shakespeare: The Basics Shakespeare: The Digital Path for how digital technology enhances the study of Shakespeare's works Units on Specific Works Home Page for Paths with Specific Plays & Poems "DH" Assignments Assignments that make use of digital texts, tools, or both Vimala C. DHSHX Main Menu Introduction: What's Digital Shakespeare? An explanation of why this book exists. Please enable Javascript and reload the page. They even plan to kill their only goose to offer a better supper – but the gods won’t let them go that far! They reveal their identities and reward the old couple’s hospitality.This site requires Javascript to be turned on. All turned them away rudely, until the elderly Baucis and Philemon, poor but kind, invited them in to their meager supper. BAUCIS AND PHILEMON: DIVINE DINNER-GUESTS! Intereā totiēns haustum crātēra replērī From Ovid’s Metamorphose s: Jupiter and Mercury, in mortal disguise, have come to test the hospitality of mankind. ’ pārent ambō baculīsque levātī Nītuntur longō vestīgia pōnere clīvō.

poetry scansion practice with answers

Modo vestra relinquite tēcta Ac nostrōs comitāte gradūs et in ardua montis Īte simul. Superī vetuēre necārī ‘dī’que ‘sumus, meritāsque luet vīcīnia poenās Impia’ dīxērunt ‘vōbīs immūnibus huius Esse malī dabitur. Ūnicus ānser erat, minimae custōdia villae, Quem dīs hospitibus dominī mactāre parābant Ille celer pennā tardōs aetāte fatīgat Ēlūditque diū tandemque est vīsus ad ipsōs Cōnfūgisse deōs. Sponte suā per sē vīdent succrēscere vīna Attonitī novitāte pavent manibusque supīnīs Concipiunt Baucisque precēs timidusque Philēmōn Et veniam dapibus nūllīsque parātibus ōrant.

Poetry scansion practice with answers